Texas Association
of Permit Technicians 
Chapter ICC

Building Safety Month & Career Day Ideas

Help spread the word of our wonderful industry.  Contact your local schools to see if they offer Career Day events and offer to be a speaker.  From elementary and up you can provide information about Building Inspections.  Makes presentations at your local town hall meetings, HOA meetings and other community events.

Links below contain promotional information to handout.  There are two kids activity books.  You can order items from ICC such as pencils and Junior Inspector Badges.  Purchase plastic hard hats or rulers and label with your jurisdiction's name.  Have the students build a house, provide a copy of basic plans for them to see.  Make an origami house and decorate it.  Read to children at a local library.  Google "building construction books for kids" and you find a lot of great stories.


By-laws as of November 16th 2022

 NCTCOG Code Amendments:

NCTCOG's Regional Codes Coordinating Committee (RCCC) and its four advisory boards conducted multiple meetings to review the latest editions of the model codes to develop regional amendments. Their review and recommendations are endorsed by NCTCOG's Executive Board.  Currently NCTCOG encourages jurisdictions in North Central Texas to adopt the following model construction codes along with their respective regional amendments as expeditiously as their local code adoption process will allow.

2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) NCTCOG Amendments were developed prior to the passage of House Bill 1736. Please note that effective September 1, 2016, there are 3 recommended amendments to the IECC that are deemed to be less stringent than the residential provisions of the code which will be the statewide minimum.  Those code sections are the amendments to Table R402.1.2, Table R402.1.4 and Section R402.4.1.2 should not be considered a recommended amendment.


March 31, 2016: Clarification and Corrections to the 2015 International Codes Regional Recommended Amendments




Learn More With England Training - See their YouTube posts and their website for more information for online quizzes and classes.


Learn About Texas Seals


When Is An Engineers Seal Required?



When Is An Architectrual Seal Required?


Is An Asbestos Survey Required?


Click Here for the DSHS Demolition Flow Chart




North Texas Chapter ICC


Building Officials Association of Texas


International Code Council


ICC Region X Coalition


Permit Tech Nation


Arizona Permit Techs

Central Ohio Permit Techs

Colorado Association of Permit Technicians

Kansas City Metro Assn Permit Technician


Minnesota Building Permit Technician Assn


New Hampshire Buiding Officials Support Staff

New Jersey Assn of Technical Assistants


Northern California Permit Techs

Oregan Permit Technician Assn


Permit Techs Across Georgia

South Carolina Permit Technician Association


Washington State Assn of Permit Technicians



Women In Code Enforcement and Development