General Administration 39%
Legal Aspects 22%
Plans and Documents 25%
Zoning and Site Development 14%
2018 OR 2021 International Building Code
2018 or 2021 International Zoning Code
2017 Legal Aspects of code Administration
Basic Code Enforcement Second Edition
ICC Exams are now all online thru Pronto. Please refer to ICC's website for instructions. You can schedule the exam up to 90 minutes before taking the exam.
Below is the information from ICC for the Permit Technician Certification Exam
taken from the link
The Permit Technician possesses the ability to exercise independent judgment in evaluating situations and in making determinations at the issuance counter, and understands the basic construction components and practices associated with the project. Provides technical assistance in the issuance of construction and development permits to ensure compliance with the provisions of State and local jurisdictions' adopted development regulations and codes.
General Administration | 39% |
Customer Service | 7% |
Interview customers and determine their needs and assess the scope of their project and direct them. Communicate with customers and staff using the appropriate terminology. Educate customers. Employ organizational skills. |
Project Applications | 9% |
Verify that the project has all prerequisite approvals. Verify that application and the project information provided is complete and is acceptable. Verify professional and contractor licensing where necessary. |
Basic Building Concepts | 8% |
Review the basic building concepts on plans for content. Verify basic details, elements or components of plans for completeness. |
Permit Issuance and Fees | 8% |
Process documents for required approvals. Calculate and verify valuations and fees and accept financial guarantees. Issue permits. |
Inspections and Certificate of Occupancy | 7% |
Accept inspection requests. Verify that special inspections are performed where required. Track permit status. Coordinate approvals for and prepare the Certificate of Occupancy. |
Legal Aspects | 22% |
Public Information and Legal | 10% |
For new and existing projects, answer questions about the need for approvals, permits and inspections, general code compliance of designs, procedures and materials. Address liability and public disclosure issues when necessary. |
Records Management | 4% |
Verify that the necessary documents are retained for the period required and available as needed. |
Record Research | 5% |
Research and document project history and code compliance. |
Appeals and Revocation | 3% |
Process appeals and suspension or revocation of approvals, decisions and/or permits. |
Plans and Documents | 25% |
Review Related Documents | 9% |
Verify content of plans, engineered construction drawings and/or specifications for submittal. Determine the need and/or level of review. |
Occupancy Group and Type of Construction | 6% |
Verify that the occupancy classifications and the types of construction are designated on the plans and/or permit documents. |
Read Maps | 5% |
Read and identify map and plat/tract specifications and components. |
Perform Calculations and Use Scales | 5% |
Use architectural and engineering scales to determine basic dimensions and calculate areas and percentages. |
Zoning and Site Development | 14% |
Land Use | 4% |
Explain the site plan review process or developmental plan review and land use codes. |
Right-of-Way, Utilities and Easements | 5% |
Determine public right-of-way and private and public easements. Regulate construction in public right-of-way. |
Site Plan Review | 5% |
Verify structure location on the lot, zoning and engineering requirements. Verify required set back and percentage of lot coverage. Recognize the need for variances. |
NOTE ON THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE: Questions from the IBC will be taken from Chapters: 1-3, 6, 12, 17 (1704.1-1704.5)
Don't forget to renew your Certification! Attend our Chapter training for your CEU's
ICC Certification Renewal Options